Palestine: 75 years since the Nakba

In juni organiseerden we het Marxisme Festival – een trefpunt voor activisten en een weekend van politieke discussie. Verspreid over deze zomer plaatsen we één voor één de opnames van de inleidingen online. We hebben de vaak levendige discussie na afloop van de inleiding niet opgenomen.
1 augustus 2023

Palestine: 75 years since the Nakba

Throughout Israel there are large protests against the far-right government of Netanyahu. They say democracy and the rule of law are at stake, but these have never counted for Palestinians. The Israeli state is an example of a settler colonial state. A state which is predicated on removing and marginalizing the original inhabitants from it’s territory. How do we look back at the Nakba? Through what methods does the colonization of historic Palestine continue? To what extend do the policies of the new right-wing government differ from previous ones?


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