Reform or revolution: the relevance of Rosa Luxemburg today

Meeting organized by the Amsterdam branch of the International Socialists together with student organisation ROSA.
18 juni 2024 7:15 Pieter Nieuwland, Pieter Nieuwlandstraat 93, Amsterdam

While capitalism destroys life on our planet, fascist ideas spread on a worldwide scale and the threat of global war once more arrives at our doorstep, we turn to one of the greatest thinkers in the Marxist tradition.

An important idea instilled in us by capitalist society is that one can only change society for the better by working through its institutions. This method of  ‘socialism from above’ or ´reformism’ is contrary to the core of Marxist thought: that the emancipation of the working class can only be achieved by the struggle of the working class itself.

The topic of which method is more feasible to achieve a socialist society – reforming the capitalist system from within or overthrowing it by means of revolution – was fiercely debated by the end of the 19th century within the German SPD, the biggest workers party that Europe has ever known. Rosa Luxemburg led the wing that argued for the revolutionary method and her pamphlet on the topic – Reform or Revolution – is an important work for every revolutionary socialist anywhere in the world.

ROSA (Radical Organisation of Students in Amsterdam) and the International Socialists Amsterdam are organising a public discussion meeting on June 18th, in which we will reflect on Luxemburg’s arguments for the revolutionary method and discuss to what extent her ideas are relevant for the socialist movement of today. Has Luxemburg’s argumentation on the collapse of capitalism stood the test of time? Why is there still such a broad support for reformism when it clearly does not deliver? How can revolutionaries gain ground in the workers movement? And what can we learn from Luxemburg’s analysis of capitalism and war? Join us for an inspiring discussion!

Entry: Free, donations welcome

Location: Pieter Nieuwland, Pieter Nieuwlandstraat 93

Language: English, with optional Dutch translation of the intro and discussion /

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Reform or revolution: the relevance of Rosa Luxemburg today

Meeting organized by the Amsterdam branch of the International Socialists together with student organisation ROSA.

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